Predicting Machine Learning Pipeline Runtimes in the Context of Automated Machine Learning


Automated machine learning (Auto ML) seeks to automatically find so-called machine learning pipelines that maximize the prediction performance when being used to train a model on a given dataset. One of the main and yet open challenges in Auto ML is an effective use of computational resources: An Auto ML process involves the evaluation of many candidate pipelines, which are costly but often ineffective because they are canceled due to a timeout. In this paper, we present an approach to predict the runtime of two-step machine learning pipelines with up to one pre-processor, which can be used to anticipate whether or not a pipeline will time out. Separate runtime models are trained offline for each algorithm that may be used in a pipeline, and an overall prediction is derived from these models. We empirically show that the approach increases successful evaluations made by an AutoML tool while preserving or even improving on the previously best solutions.



Software And Hardware